We have had excellent reviews for "Von Ribbentrop's Watch"
They are very complimentary of everyone involved, and deservedly so
Congratulations to all those involved in another success!
Paul Stammers:
"This is a great evening’s entertainment."
Read Paul Stammers review here
Oxford Drama Network:
"The dialogue throughout was tight and very funny. The Jewish family poking fun at themselves and hurling insults at each other was very effective. The fight between the brothers was well staged. The cast soon settled down and got into their stride. The large first-night audience were very appreciative and rightly so. Another splendid production."
Read Oxford Drama Network's review here
NODA (National Operatic and Dramatic Association) wrote:
"The ensemble work was of a very high quality and the fight scene almost alarmingly realistic. The production values were generally very high, and in particular the design and build quality of the set was extremely good."
Read NODA's review here