We welcome new members! Ever fancied being someone else? Well, acting is a great way of taking on a new persona. If you've never experienced the buzz of pulling off a dazzling performance and getting acclaim from an appreciative audience, we can give you that opportunity. We like to involve new members as soon as we can, even if that means only a small part at first. If you would rather work behind the scenes, there are plenty of roles for you to make your mark, including set-building and decorating, sound and lighting, props, costumes, make-up, prompt, publicity, front-of-house, refreshments as well as producer, stage manager and director.
We put on two productions a year - in May and November - and occasionally enter drama festivals too. Usually we discuss and select the next play as soon as we can after finishing the last one. After casting, we rehearse on Wednesday evenings for about 3 months, with Mondays added for about 2 months. For the two weekends before performance evenings (usually Wednesday through to Saturday) it's all hands on deck to help build the set, dress and paint it, then do a technical rehearsal.
We welcome new members! Ever fancied being someone else? Well, acting is a great way of taking on a new persona. If you've never experienced the buzz of pulling off a dazzling performance and getting acclaim from an appreciative audience, we can give you that opportunity. We like to involve new members as soon as we can, even if that means only a small part at first. If you would rather work behind the scenes, there are plenty of roles for you to make your mark, including set-building and decorating, sound and lighting, props, costumes, make-up, prompt, publicity, front-of-house, refreshments as well as producer, stage manager and director.
We put on two productions a year - in May and November - and occasionally enter drama festivals too. Usually we discuss and select the next play as soon as we can after finishing the last one. After casting, we rehearse on Wednesday evenings for about 3 months, with Mondays added for about 2 months. For the two weekends before performance evenings (usually Wednesday through to Saturday) it's all hands on deck to help build the set, dress and paint it, then do a technical rehearsal.

Our biggest audiences since "Calendar Girls" gave universally positive feedback on "Abigail's Party":
Brilliant, funny, excellently performed
All superbly done - thanks
It was so amazing!!
Excellent dialogue, amusing challenging, great period stuff, very good
2 leading ladies were superb
Beverley and Ange - bloody brilliant!
Play a favourite of mine, suberb acting – very professional
Enjoyed v much and v impressed by standard of Bart Players
Better than the original one! Excellent casting. Cringingly 1970's
Costumes great, excellent music too
Our reviewers backed this up:
Paul Stammers says: "For anyone who wants to indulge in a spot of nostalgia, there’s plenty to savour in this excellent production, directed by Gareth Hammond. All the cast put in strong performances and seem to be enjoying themselves." Read the full review here.
We are pleased to confirm our next show will be "Abigail's Party" –
a play for stage and television devised and directed in 1977 by Mike Leigh.
It is a suburban situation comedy of manners, and a satire on the aspirations and tastes of the new middle class
that emerged in Britain in the 1970s.
The play runs from 27th–30th November 2019 and tickets will be on sale soon.

We were delighted to have a stand at the 2019 Eynsham Carnival.
We had a display of some photographs of our previous productions and a dressing up rail where visitors could dress up and take a selfie!
We met some wonderful people and we hope some of you can come along to our meetings when we all meet up together again in September.

Bartholomew Players Chairman Gareth Hammond presents a cheque for £600 to Windrush Bike Project Directors Kath Cochrane and Brigitte Hickman as their share of the profits from the charity night supper of the Bartholomew players recent production of Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None”. The evening was a great success with 100 people attending the supper and play.
The donation to the Windrush Bike Project will be used to support their workshop volunteering programme.
People from all walks of life can gain skills, work experience or simply socialise whilst refurbishing donated bikes.
The bikes will be sold or given away to someone who needs them.

We are delighted to announce that the Bartholomew Players production of "Dangerous Corner", directed by Joe O'Connor in his very first Directing role, has won the Pat Redhead Drama Award (best in Oxfordshire & nominated for London) at the 2019 NODA Theatre Festival. The certificate awarded to us is shown left.
Dangerous Corner was shortlisted as one of 12 other plays in the London Region (see list here) so this is a great accolade for us.
Many congratulations to Joe, the cast and crew of Dangerous Corner for a performance that shows, once again, that the Bartholomew Players are a top-notch theatre group!

The Bartholomew Players have presented a cheque for £600 to Guideposts Trust, Witney as their share of the profits from the charity supper evening during the November 2018 production of "Dangerous Corner" by JB Priestley.
This is the largest donation we have been able to award since we started the charity "supper and show" evenings and we are delighted that it is going to such a good cause.
Pictured receiving the cheque from Gareth Hammond, Chairman of Bartholomew Players, is Ann Davis, Administrator for Guideposts Trust.

Having a bit of a clear out under the stage. A good job well done!
Bartholomew Players are looking for help with lighting and set-building.
Are you a practical person with some free time?
Eynsham’s renowned amateur dramatics company puts on two plays a year in the village hall. Critics and audiences alike are always full of praise. In order to maintain our standards we need to attract new members. Specifically we are seeking someone with practical skills who can take on operating the lighting desk. Experience would be useful, but as training will be given, anyone keen to learn will be welcome. We also need people with basic handyman skills who can help us build the set. This involves erecting flats and making them secure. So if you can wield a drill, a saw, a hammer, a screwdriver and climb a ladder, we want you.
These roles apply to our upcoming production “Abigail's Party” in November and also to future productions.
If you are interested, please contact or ring 07890 970479.
The video shows the set build for "It Runs In The Family" in 2012.